Ahiahi mārie friends!
Classes are well underway this week and the kilns aren’t taking long to fill up now – we’ll be running them furiously again soon! We’ve also got the first Diploma class of the year on tomorrow, so we’re back in full swing!
Check out the latest news below…
Term 1B Taster Classes
The second round of our 4-week taster classes is starting soon – take a look below, and pass it onto any friends who might be looking to get their hands into some clay.
Introduction to Pottery with David Kenny
Fridays, 6pm – 9pm, starting on Friday 7th March
This class will introduce you to techniques for hand-built pottery, wheel-thrown pottery, glazing and firing. It will give you a great foundation in a variety of construction techniques, and there is even an exciting raku firing at the end!
Wheel Throwing Taster Class Sarah Steed
Sundays, 10am – 1pm, starting on Sunday
A 4-week course that will work on your throwing and trimming skills and teach you how to glaze your pieces. This will set you up for one of our longer courses next term, or to try self-directed throwing projects at our Play with Clay sessions.
Raku Firings
The first two raku firings have been set for the year – led by David Kenny. These firings are open to everyone, no previous experience required – just sign-up, come along and discover the cool results you can get from raku.
Volunteers for Saturday Afternoon Members’ Open Studio
The first Saturday afternoon Members’ Open Studio took place last week, with huge thanks to Lydia Farrell for organising these, and for running the first session. This is a great way to make the studio available to more of our members who work full-time hours during the week.
However, if you’d like to see these continue, we do need some more volunteers to help run these. Let us know if you might be interested in facilitating these.
Volunteers just need to open and lock up the studio, take payments and answer the occasional question, and we can train you in all that. Plus, anyone running a Play with Clay or Members’ Open Studio session gets to use the studio for free on that day, plus an additional free PWC or MOS session to use at their leisure.
Email Libby if you want to find out more.
More creative events taking place out at the Sculpture Park...
Studio Schedule
Here’s how things are looking, but as always, check the online calendar before you come in 😊
Friday 14th February
CLOSED for Diploma
6pm – 9pm, Intro to Pottery Class
Saturday 15th February
10am – 1pm, Play with Clay – Thanks Teresa and Caitlin xx
NO afternoon Members’ Open Studio, sorry – consider volunteering if you’d like to see these run regularly
Sunday 16th February
10am – 1pm, Wheel Throwing Class
Monday 17th February
9.30am – 12.30pm, Wheel Throwing Class
1pm – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio
6pm – 9pm, Hand Building Class
Tuesday 18th February
9.30am - 4pm, Wheel Throwing Class
1pm – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio
6pm – 9pm, Play with Clay – Thanks Margaret, Trudie and John! xx
Wednesday 19th February
9.30am – 12.30pm, Play with Clay, thanks Yasmin and Mark! xx
1pm – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio
4pm – 5.30pm, Kids’ Play with Clay
6pm – 9pm, Wheel Throwing Class
Thursday 20th February
9.30am – 12.30pm, Sculpture Skills Class
1pm – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio
6pm – 9pm, Wheel Throwing Class
Friday 21st February
9.30am –4pm, Members’ Open Studio
6pm – 9pm, Intro to Pottery Class
Saturday 22nd February
10am – 1pm, Play with Clay – Thanks Tim! xx
1pm – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio – much thanks again to Lydia xx
Sunday 23rd February
10am – 1pm, Wheel Throwing Class