Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Throwdown, Exhibition deadline change, Pick of the Month

Hi clay fam - we’re throwing-down tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the throwdown and next week we kick off our school holiday programmes! It’s all go and we’ve been busy this week getting prepped for these great events.

All our members are invited to come along and join us tomorrow for the Mighty Waikato Pottery Throwdown, bring a kai if you can. In fact, the shared lunch has been more frequently talked about this week than the competitions, so it’s looking like it’s going to be as fabulous a feast as it was last year!

We're kicking off at 10am, and hope to see you there.

WSP Annual Exhibition – change to the entry deadline

The decision has been made to extend the deadline for entries into our annual exhibition at ArtsPost. The new deadline is 11.59pm on Sunday the 18th of August. The decision was made to extend the deadline to give members the opportunity to enter any original work that they may produce in either the Greg Baron wood firing (kiln opening 17th of August), or the Raku firing with with Dave Austin on the 17th of August.

Margaret’s Pick of the Month

These gorgeous big bowls, made by Stacey Tillemans, caught Margaret’s eye this month and Stacey won herself a firing credit. Nice work Stacey – impressive size and beautiful glazing 😊

Lots of improvements around the joint

Crap pics, but great mahi!

Crap pics, but great mahi!

Over the last few weeks, we’ve had various people from the club working on some improvements that just make our awesome space that much better. We’ve had member, Rhonda Oliver and staff member Libby, paint the dark purple wall in the entry area, to a much more cheerful and uplifting bright aqua hue. Thanks Rhonda for spending your Kings’ Birthday holiday working on this!

Artist in Residence Mark Tamura has replaced all the hardboard on the large table tops in the studio, so they’re now nice and smooth and not flaking anymore. The result is superb and was long overdue – thanks so much Mark!

And Josephine and Sarah Lee also organised quotes and booked in a company to make and install new roller blinds in the kitchen area. Be gone, filthy, dust-covered, raggedy curtains. They’ve been replaced by lovely light-coloured sun blinds that make the windows look so much smarter. Thanks Josephine and Sarah for organizing this!

Obituary: Wailin Elliott 1938 – 2024 (by Janet Smith)

I just received news that Wailin passed away last night in Auckland with her family beside her. Wailin has been a part of my potting career for a number of years, firstly as my way to contact Barry Brickell - it was easier to ring Wailin and tell her the information. But moving through the years Wailin contacted me to be a guest potter at the Easter Exhibition which I considered one of the most important honours I had received. Unknown to me was that if you are invited as guest you are considered on the team for all exhibitions from then on. The 2024 Easter Exhibition was special - we had a very special opening night with Wailin emerging from the kitchen dressed in black and gold - she was simply stunning. The Easter Exhibition in Hauraki House was organised by Wailin and is (I think) one of the longest running exhibitions in New Zealand. Wailin managed Driving Creek for years with Barry at the helm, she was one of the foundation stones of Driving Creek.

I have so many stories.

  • She would ripen all the persimmons in wine glasses along the mantle - they became a decoration of her house.

  • She loved making jam.

  • I think I have slept in all her spare rooms – even the ‘Barry room’ where you climb up a ladder to a little room in the sun, shut the trap door and no one knows you are there. I am guessing that is why Barry liked it.

I have so many memories of times spent with Wailin and Tom - farewell Wailin you will be missed.

 Janet Smith 5/7/24

Studio Schedule

Here’s what’s happening next week… Check the online calendar though, just in case.

Saturday the 6th of July
10am – 2pm, The Mighty Waikato Pottery Throwdown!
Please note there is no Play with Clay session on Saturday

Sunday the 7th of July
10am – 1pm, Class – Wheel Throwing Taster

Monday 8th of July
9.30am – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio
6pm – 8pm, Class – Clay recycling

Tuesday 9th of July
8.30 – 4pm, CLOSED for the School Holiday Programme
6pm – 9pm, Play with Clay – Thank you Margaret and Kelly!

Wednesday 10th of July
9.30am – 12.30pm, Play with Clay – Thanks Larissa and Yasmin!
1pm – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio
6pm – 9pm, Class – Glazing

Thursday 11th of July
9.30am –4pm, CLOSED for School Holiday Programme

Friday 12th of July
9.30am – 4pm, Members’ Open Studio

Saturday 13th of July
9.30am – 4.30pm, CLOSED for Greg Barron workshop
Duncan Shearer will also be on site with a small team, making improvements and repairs to the Phoenix wood kiln

Sunday 14th of July
9.30am – 4.30pm, CLOSED for Greg Barron workshop

See you soon (hopefully tomorrow at the Throwdown!)


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